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New Voiceover for the Politify Introduction Video

Performance by Politify Founder Cameron Gibbs


Hopefully most of you will have seen the opening video on our Home page. If you haven't seen it yet, you can view it at the You Tube link This video was created back in 2013 at the beginning of the project. At that time I did have ambitions for the Politify platform to go global but I had the view that I would start with my home country of Australia and build from there. Because of this view, I focussed on the Australian political system and showed how Politify could be used to improve the system in Australia. I also included imagery from Australian politics. The more people I spoke to though, the more I saw that most people instantly understood that the Politify platform, like the internet itself, could be a global resource.

Here we are now in 2018, with the Politify platform nearing a release ready state and I am preparing for its launch. It is time to update the video to reflect this new global vision. My friend Glen who did the voiceover for the original video wasn't available so I've done my best to inject some appropriate emotion into my voice. Giving my best impression of a news-reader's voice, I have recorded the new voiceover. Let me know what you think?


Download File in WMA Format

Audio File Download (Filename: politify-cameron_voiceover.wma, Filesize: 2.65MB, Playback Length: 2.51 minutes):


Download File in MP3 Format

Audio File Download (Filename: politify-cameron_voiceover.mp3, Filesize: 2.62MB, Playback Length: 2.51 minutes):


Audio Transcript:

Politify is going to give you, the people, political power!

Politify is a platform for your ideas and your views to be heard. Anyone can post a suggestion and rally the support of the people. Your collective voice is sent directly to local and national politicians, in your country, to create real change.

Here's how it will work...

Currently politicians are given the duty of representing your views. They are required to act on your behalf and we hope they have your benefit in mind. But most of them won't know you're your name, they won't know your struggles, they won't know your background, your needs or your wants. So without knowing anything about you, how could they possibly represent you?

Ideally, in a representative system, we should be able to elect individuals and groups who we think have similar views to us, who will champion our values and who will act on our behalf to give us what we need and want. But no matter who you choose, they will do some things you like and some things you don't.

What if...we could bridge the gap between our political representatives and those they are supposed to be representing. Poilitify will allow any person to contribute an idea, to challenge an idea or to ask a question. But more than that, it is a system that will work socially to elevate the best ideas to the top!!!

Ideas will be shaped and guided by sophisticated reasoning assistance tools to make sure that the ideas are fact based, logical and appropriate.

Politify can be used to tackle some of society's greatest social challenges.
Including climate change.
Plastic in our oceans.
Refugee support.
Theft and vandalism.
Murder, violence and war.
Medicine affordability and world hunger
With Politify we can work together to build fairer economic systems to lift people out of poverty and to spread the opportunities for individual advancement.

Politify's hierarchical subject systems are nuanced enough to allow debate over local details but scoped wide enough to allow decision making and coordination on a grand international level.

Now there is obviously a lot more to this. But Politify will allow society to follow and support the best ideas in their local area, nationally and even around the world.

Polifity is about joining our minds together to offer great solutions to social challenges. The greater our voice and the better our ideas... the less we can be ignored.

Politify are looking for team members, funding and supporters!

The power of Polifity is that it only takes one person to have a great idea. That person might be you.

Visit to learn more.



 Cameron Gibbs - Politify Founder

Cameron Gibbs
Politify Founder

Disclaimer: Politify is a neutral platform created to allow anyone to share their ideas and to debate those ideas. Views expressed by Employees, Directors, Authors, Sponsors and/or Affiliates of Politify are their own views shared with equal opportunity using the Politify network. The veiws expressed are in no way indicative of any official policy of Politify as an organisation.

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