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Patron Support, Donations and the Patreon Platform

The Role of Gifted Funds

Like all important projects, Politify needs funding. Recognising the realities of our capitalistic world, Politify operates with a social entreprenerial model. Doing social good and making it our career, our mission, our purpose and our business. We believe this to be the most sustainable way to build a strong and stable organisation able to fulfil its purpose.

To do this social good, we need money. We aim to build a number of revenue streams but especially in these early stages of growth, your direct donations to our cause are the most important. We request that you give freely to the organisation to help get your projects, your views and your values promoted as we do the work to build the direct democracy platform.

Two Ways to Give

To contribute a philanthropic gift to Politify, you can give directly using our donation tools below. These tools allow you to give a one-off contribution to the organisation. One off contributions are great and will do a lot of good but having a predictable income will help even more. To allow us to have this predictable income we request that you consider giving whatever you can monthly. To contribute monthly we can set you up with our bank details so you can create an automatic Direct Debit or you can use the Patreon platform.

Contribute to our cause by supporting us on Patreon

Donations from as little as $1 a month can be contributed on an ongoing basis through the patreon platform. The Patreon platform uses a crowd-funding model and they encourage the giving of rewards for various levels of funding. Please visit our patreon page to contribute monthly and to learn about the rewards offered.

Other Support Channels

If there is a revenue stream that you know about that can be channeled to help fund and grow the Politify cause then we want to explore it and make it happen. Please Contact Us to discuss further.



* Politify will never make any commercial or political deal that will prevent the organisation as a whole from acting in full capacity to deliver its social benefit ambitions.
* The Politify platform, when finally complete, will be protected by strict anti-corruption policies to ensure that its voting systems can never be compromised by any commercial dealings.
* The details of these anti-corruption policies to be published and discussed publicly on the Politify platform when created.
* The commercial and the social benefit goals will always be kept separate so that the capitalistic interests of the organisation will never compromise the integrity of its voting and social advocacy systems.
* The Politify platform will always remain neutral allowing any individual or group to make a positive contribution to society and to the way it is governed.
* Politify is a neutral platform created to allow anyone to share their ideas and to debate those ideas. Views expressed by Employees, Directors, Authors, Sponsors and/or Affiliates of Politify are their own views shared with equal opportunity using the Politify network. The veiws expressed are in no way indicative of any official policy of Politify as an organisation.
* Politify is not a charity and your contributions are not tax deductible.